Posts tagged depression
A Chronic Entrepreneur: JL Keez

JL Keez is a passionate advocate for those experiencing eating disorders, as someone who has experienced one herself. After a 9-year battle with anorexia that started when she was just 15, JL Keez went on to develop chronic fatigue, migraines, depersonalisation, OCD and suicidal depression. Keez describes her journey as one where she continually seesawed between despair and hope due to the frustration and pain that she experienced during her recovery process. Today, JL Keez has recovered from all but the depersonalisation and the odd migraine. For her, joining the entrepreneur world was inevitable. She has used her experiences with anorexia and other associated conditions to build a business as a Certified Reality Therapy Counsellor with her business JL Keez: Anorexia Unlocked, and is also an author and speaker.

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