A Chronic Entrepreneur: Jo Gifford

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Jo Gifford is an expert in creative thinking and content creation. In her words, she helps ‘awesome peeps show the world their brilliance without #samesame syndrome and biz BS.’ After burning out and breaking down at age 29, Jo was forced to step back and tune into her body. Since then, she’s embraced her entrepreneurism and crafted a life that works for her and her chronics, not the other way around. With a passion for making things easier and finding joy in life, she’s the creator of the Brilliance Ignition Process and founder of the Brilliance Hub. Read her story below.

What’s your Chronic?
Endometriosis, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia.

Where/when were you diagnosed?
Endometriosis in 2003, CFS in 2012, Fibro 2014.

What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?
Freedom – being able to create my own income, schedule, and career MY way.

What came first, the chronic or the entrepreneurism?
The chronic, but I think the entrepreneur has always been in me!

How did this path come to you?
I had a total breakdown at 29, due to trying to live a ‘normal’ ambitious life and not paying attention to the needs of my body. I had to leave my job, my partner left, and I stayed with my parents for a couple of months. Then I decided to take the plunge and go out on my own. It’s been the best thing.

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Did you go through any sort of 12-stages of grief with the diagnosis or take it in its stride? How did the process manifest itself? Did you immediately reassess your life?
I went through all sorts of stages – anger, denial, frustration, and over the years have been peeling these back (with a lot of help from professionals, counsellors, energy workers etc.). I did immediately reassess life, and began to rebuild.

Did you seek out or join organisations representing your chronic for support or did you find comfort and answers elsewhere? What would you recommend in hindsight?
I did, but I found that immersing myself in chronic illness conversations where the focus was always negative had a negative impact on me. So, I found support in the personal and spiritual development world.

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How have you changed, if at all, in your relationships, decisions and values?
I have changed SO much! I have empathy, I understand my own body so much more, I value “good” days and moments immensely. I have had to embrace surrender and flexibility, and I have also lost a lot of people along the way who just couldn’t understand.

What is your life philosophy and has this changed?
I enjoy each moment and live in immense gratitude. I was always striving for the ‘next’ thing when I was younger, and living with chronics has taught me to live day-by-day.

What do you wish you’d known before?
That you can redesign your life your way. That chronic illness can be empowering.

Are you on any treatments? Why/why not?
Pain medication and operations when needed.

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What advice do you have for others starting out on this journey?
That living with chronic illness can open up to adventures. Learn to create your own rules and boundaries around how you want to work, and use technology where possible to make life as easy as possible.

What is a ‘bad day’ for you?
Completely exhausted, in pain, unable to speak, function or move.

What do you do on a ‘bad day’?
I have to go back to bed and rest, get support with the kids, and rearrange my plans.

How do you deal with stress?
Still working on this one, as I shortcut to stress very easily! I use yoga and meditation as key parts of my toolkit, and mindfulness too.

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What do you struggle with the most?
My own expectations of what I ‘should’ and ‘could’ do.

What are you most proud of?
Running a business whilst being mum to two young ladies and teaching them they can create their own careers.

Who are your back up dancers?
My partner, my kids, my friends, my team.

Best bits of being a Chronic Entrepreneur?
Knowing myself so well and being able to look after myself on my own terms.

Worst bits of being a Chronic Entrepreneur?
There arent any!

Are you a 5-year planner or are you winging it?
I go year-by-year, so winging it by going with the flow!

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ream weekend plans and have these changed?
My dream weekend is a lie in, reading and sitting around drinking coffee, or an early morning rave. An art gallery mooch, some nice lunch, watching films with my little ones, and enjoying walks or bike rides.

Ultimate dinner party guests?
David Bowie, Lady Gaga, Lauren Laverne, Oprah.

What advice would you give your younger self?
To listen to my body and trust I know what it needs. That self-care is essential for everyone at all ages. That I am loved and enough.

What’s next?
Getting married, writing my second book, working on some great collaborations, and starting a research project.

How can people find you?
@thejogifford on Twitter and Instagram

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