A Chronic Entrepreneur: Jessica Lockhart

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Twenty years ago Jessica Lockhart was diagnosed with six slipped discs and two bubbles in her spine after two car accidents. As a result, she experiences acute, chronic pain and is no longer able to stand. Because of this, she had to leave her former career as a simultaneous interpreter. In place of this, Jessica discovered humanology – a discipline that explains human beings and helps them develop and grow by helping them expand their worldview and offering them whatever tools they need to face the challenges they encounter in life. Jessica’s mission now is to help human beings understand themselves in every field of their lives, personal and professional, so they can take control and thrive. Find out more and visit her website online here. Read our interview with the wonderful Jessica below and let us know what you think!

What’s your Chronic?
Six slipped discs and two bubbles in my spine. I should have been in a permanent wheelchair over 12 years ago. I’m in constant pain.

Where/when were you diagnosed?
20 years ago.

What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?
Excitement, work, a project, a dream…

What came first, the chronic or the entrepreneurism?
I always was a freelancer…

How did this path come to you?
Life led me to it. I had to leave my previous career as an interpreter because I couldn’t stand up anymore. Then people started asking for my help to get their energy, motivation and optimism back.

Did you go through any sort of 12-stages of grief with the diagnosis or take it in its stride? How did the process manifest itself? Did you immediately reassess your life?
It was gradual.

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Did you seek out or join organisations representing your chronic for support or did you find comfort and answers elsewhere? What would you recommend in hindsight?

How have you changed, if at all, in your relationships, decisions and values?
Of course! I’ve had this disability for over 20 years. That means I’m not the same person. ☺

What is your life philosophy and has this changed?
My life purpose is TO LIVE.

What do you wish you’d known before?
How to control my pain.

Are you on any treatments? Why/why not?
No. There aren’t any.

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What advice do you have for others starting out on this journey?
You are NOT your disability, disease, problem… You may happen to have it but it doesn’t define WHO YOU ARE.

What is a ‘bad day’ for you?
Not being able to stand up. But can still do many things from bed. ☺

What do you do on a ‘bad day’?
Enjoy life.

How do you deal with stress?
What’s that?

What are you most proud of?
Having decided to live my purpose.

Who are your back up dancers?
My family and friends.

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Best bits of being a Chronic Entrepreneur?
Discovering more about myself and life.

Worst bits of being a Chronic Entrepreneur?

Are you a 5-year planner or are you winging it?

Dream weekend plans and have these changed?
Travelling, always. And no, they haven’t changed, although they’ve adapted.

Ultimate dinner party guests?
Human beings.

What advice would you give your younger self?
Discover your Personal Essence®, your innermost nature.

What’s next?
Helping the world discover and understand humanology, the discipline that studies and works with and for human beings.

How can people find you?

Let us know what you think below and share your story with us on Instagram tagging @achronicentrepreneur and using the hashtag #achronicentrepreneur.