A Chronic Entrepreneur: Renate Halleen

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Learning about Renate Halleen’s story, it’s clear that Renate has had a difficult life. She has been diagnosed with a number of chronic illnesses over the last 15 years – most recently being diagnosed with hypersomnia – a condition that affects those who have it by making them extremely sleepy, with the ability to fall asleep at any time. It was when she had fallen asleep unexpectedly that Renate suffered a bad ankle sprain. Throughout it all, Renate approaches life with strength and courage. She founded her business – A Tight Knot Massage – where her mission is to inspire good health, naturally, and give to others a sense of wellness and joy. In Renate’s words, “My story is no longer about surviving, it is about thriving in my body and standing tall and proud.” We are so grateful to Renate for her sharing her story.

What’s your Chronic?
Erythema Nodosum, Idiopathic Hypersomnia, Immunoglobulin deficient Hyperkinetic ADHD

Where/when were you diagnosed?
Erythema – 15 years ago, Hypersomnia – two years ago, Immune – 15 yrs ago, on the Gold Coast.

What does being an entrepreneur mean to you?
It means I’ve got my shit together finally! Haha. I’m financially free.
I’m comfortable where I am at.

What came first, the chronic or the entrepreneurism?
The chronic.

How did this path come to you?
I had been a mother and caregiver for over 20 years and I felt it was time for me.

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Did you go through any sort of 12-stages of grief with the diagnosis or take it in its stride? How did the process manifest itself? Did you immediately reassess your life?
It is what it is. I have children and for most of that I have been single. I have no time to dwell. I have a flare up, just as I do now, I’m in pain, but I need to get on with it. I chose to study remedial massage and build on that. I can’t work a normal day, as I literally fall asleep or cannot cope. I have an ankle injury thanks to my Hypersomnia. It’s now three years old so I can’t stand for long periods either.

Did you seek out or join organisations representing your chronic for support or did you find comfort and answers elsewhere? What would you recommend in hindsight?
For years I have dealt with it on my own, and just recently over the past 12 months, I have found groups on Facebook.

How have you changed, if at all, in your relationships, decisions and values?

What is your life philosophy and has this changed?
I am what I am and who I am. I’ve been through hell and back. I am a survivor of many horrific things and I have a good mindset.

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Are you on any treatments? Why/why not?
I am on dexamphetamine to keep me awake, Prednisone when I’m flaring up and for my rare eczema. I will not take anymore drugs. I prefer magnesium, fish oils, turmeric, nutmeg etc.

What advice do you have for others starting out on this journey?
Take your time, there’s no need to rush. It all happens in it’s own time.

What is a ‘bad day’ for you?
I have had my meds and I’m still so sleepy. I need to lie down or I have fallen asleep at my computer. I don’t want another grade three ankle sprain. Then I’m dealing with painful big red nodes on my body in 40 degree heat, which is hard as they swell my legs. I can’t rest too well if they’re all over my back.

What do you do on a ‘bad day’?
Try to rest, avoid doing too much if possible. Some things in life just have to wait.

How do you deal with stress?
I don’t…I just do it. My life has been so stressful. It would make your hair stand on end!

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What do you struggle with the most?
Day-to-day stuff, understanding, people are so ignorant.

What are you most proud of?
My achievement of passing my Diploma.

Who are your back up dancers?
No one. I have been a lone wolf for many years.

Best bits of being a Chronic Entrepreneur?
I learn something new every day.

Worst bits of being a Chronic Entrepreneur?
Being forgetful, and having to repeat several times.

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Are you a 5-year planner or are you winging it?
I like winging it.

Dream weekend plans and have these changed?
No, I don’t go anywhere as I don’t know many people.

Ultimate dinner party guests?
People I can learn from, not boring conversations; Oprah Winfrey, Ellen Degeneres, Tony Robbins. Interesting intellectuals.

What advice would you give your younger self?
Listen to everyone who is trying to help you. Just wait, listen and learn. There’s more to it and you are better than this.

What’s next?
Keep growing, keep learning. I will get there. Go out and meet more people, even if that means doing it on my own.

How can people find you?
Online here – A Tight Knot Massage.

Let us know what you think below and share your story with us on Instagram tagging @achronicentrepreneur and using the hashtag #achronicentrepreneur.