A Chronic Entrepreneur: Connie Rogers

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Connie Rogers was one of our original A Chronic Entrepreneur contributors back when the blog was a 1 year project. She has generously agreed to update her story in 2021.

There are a number of common themes that run through the stories told on this site, we are all so busy being busy that we ignore the signs that the body is telling us to stop. When we ignore it long enough, it breaks down and we end up being diagnosed with a chronic illness. This results in numerous visits to medical practitioners and the realisation of how broken the medical system is. As Connie, today’s Chronic Entrepreneur states “I went to my doctor until I discovered his objective wasn’t to cure me, but to keep me on anti-inflammatory medication that increased my inflammation”. Connie is a Certified Health Coach, Certified Brain Health Coach, & Published Author. You can read Connie’s incredible story below.

What’s your Chronic? 

Ulcerative colitis

What’s your diagnosis story? 

It was 1982. I was living on caffeine, working long hours, and not taking time out to regroup- pushing everything in my life to the limit. 

 In the hospital, my diagnosis was ulcerative colitis. My diagnosis was at a time when I didn’t know how to balance marriage, motherhood, success, and entrepreneurship. 

What makes you an entrepreneur? 

My drive, values, uniqueness, passion, and discipline to get the job done.

How did the path of entrepreneurship come to you? 

I knew I wanted to be a day spa owner when I was 13. That dream came true when I was 24 years old.

Did you go through any sort of 12-stages of grief with the diagnosis or take it in its stride? How did the grief process manifest itself? Did you immediately reassess your life, or was it more gradual?

At first, there was pain, denial, hospital visits, medication that supposedly took care of pain, and missed deadlines. My mindset at that time was believing wholeheartedly in the fast lane. I reassessed my life the last time I became seriously ill. That’s when awareness kicked in that my doctor wasn’t going to cure me with medications that lead to other disorders. It was up to me to take my life back into my own hands. I became a health coach. 

What have you learnt about yourself through this journey? How have you changed, if at all, in your relationships, decisions, what you value/ your life philosophy? 

I’ve learned that vast amounts of health problems are driven by reluctance and poor decision-making skills. Plus, being sick is more complicated than being well. My values include sharing kindness, real foods, and hugs.  I believe my lessons molded me into the educator I have become today!

Are you on any treatments?

No medications and no inflammation. My treatment is self-care, which includes avoiding pesticides and chemical exposures; eating organic, gluten and dairy-free; and adding in wild salmon once in a while. I exercise daily, use an infrared sauna, practice meditation, read books and sleep well.

What would you say to your “first-diagnosed” self or someone else who had just been diagnosed with a chronic illness?

Remove toxic exposures, add in clean living, and take time to rest. What I’ve found to be true in the medical industry is, a doctors focus lies solely on specific body parts and medicating those parts. In reality, we need to focus on the whole self. I learned a chronic illness can have many causes or can have one root cause. If this is you, it’s up to you to invest in yourself (via a health coach), and together you’ll discover the root cause. Never give up! There’s always a way to achieve both health and success.

How do you look after yourself on a bad day or a day that is particularly stressful?

I’m an advocate of good music, good books, and great art. The best stress-relief I’ve found, that anyone can do, is to immerse yourself in the art of your choosing.

Who are your backup dancers/supporters?

My sister and my best friend.

Best bits of being A Chronic Entrepreneur? 

I’ve made a commitment never to ignore my body when it speaks. I’ve learned the ingredients to a happy and healthy life is about balance. Creating balance begins in our body, deeds, relationships, business, and finances. Personally, I coach adults committed to achieving better gut and brain health, with the bonus being balanced hormones.

How is that possible, you ask? Because hormones have their fingers in everything that we do.

So, if our focus is on a successful business, the package deal includes mind/body health to see it through fruition. A business owner that recognizes this balancing act fact, thrives. The workaholic doesn’t.

How have you survived the pandemic? 

I survived the chaos and fear the pandemic was designed to cause by researching and understanding who was involved in its creation. Because officials saw the necessity to destroy our economy, I’ve utilized this time to write book number 4. Many clients saw this last year as an opportunity to consult with me more on FaceTime. It was a win, win for all involved.

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Are you a 5-year planner, or are you winging it? I believe if we remain focused on our GOALS, we’ll most certainly figure out a path with an action plan to make goals happen. My motto is, trust your vision, your gut, and yourself.

Who are your ultimate dinner party guest. My dinner guest includes like-minded best friends who enjoy eating homemade organic recipes made with love. 

What are you looking forward to in the next 6 months-1 year?  

I am open to take on new clients.

Where can people find you online?

Email: faces@vail.net

Published Books:

Memory Stealers:  https://www.amazon.com/Memory-Stealers-Connie-Rogers-CHHC/dp/057865119X

Path to a healthy Mind & Body:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0692566066?










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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of A Chronic Entrepreneur or anyone affiliated with it