How Dara Became An Entrepreneur with a Chronic Illness

Dara, the founder of A Chronic Entrepreneur, shares her story of discovering her chronic – multiple sclerosis – how it’s changed her life and how she lives with it today whilst running a successful business.

"My name is Dara and I am the founder of A Chronic Entrepreneur. I am also an entrepreneur, having founded Byzantine Design “The Most Beautiful Tile Store in Melbourne” mere weeks before being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. 

This podcast is what I was looking for when I was first diagnosed with MS - and I hope that through it I can empower others with “chronics” to embrace the journey and the joy that is entrepreneurship. I don’t want people to think “This is Dara, she is suffering from MS”. I want to change it to “This is Dara, she is thriving with MS.”
Unlike many people’s perception, I think that having a chronic illness can sometimes be what makes people great entrepreneurs. This is because you’re used to change and uncertainty, and making it work for you."

Meirav Dulberg