Welcome. A Chronic Entrepreneur is all about changing the dialogue of chronic illness.

We want to encourage and empower people who have just been diagnosed, by sharing the stories of people who have been thriving in business with and despite their “chronic”.

My name is Dara and I am the founder of A Chronic Entrepreneur. I am also an entrepreneur, having founded Byzantine Design “The Most Beautiful Tile Store in Melbourne” mere weeks before being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. This blog is what I was looking for when I was first diagnosed with MS - and I hope that through it I can empower others with “chronics” to embrace the journey and the joy that is entrepreneurship. I don’t want people to think “This is Dara, she is suffering from MS”. I want to change it to “This is Dara, she is thriving with MS.”

Unlike many people’s perception, I think that having a chronic illness can sometimes be what makes people great entrepreneurs. This is because you’re used to change and uncertainty, and making it work for you.

On the home page, you’ll find the most recent stories posted. Otherwise, you can sort the stories by “chronic” using the navigation menu in the top bar. If you’re a “chronic entrepreneur” and you’d like to share your story, please get in touch as we’re always looking for new contributors. Please also sign up to our mailing list so you can get updates when new stories are posted.